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Reliable & High-Quality
Services in Centreville, VA

Emergency Dental Care

We'll schedule your treatment on the same day.

Root Canals Therapy

Using Element Connect and Endolift Handpiece

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening, Veneer, Ortho with Clear Aligners.

Dental Cleaning

Regular Dental Cleaning and Deep Cleaning

Crown and Bridge

Same-day completion with state-of-the-art tech


Over 12 years of experience in implant dentistry

Bone Grafting

Over 12 years of experience in bone grafting

Dentures and Overdentures

Removable oral appliances

All-on 4 implants

Fixed Full-Arch restoration

Gum Surgery

On a site that is suffering from gum recession

Surgical Extractions

Including Extraction of Wisdoms

Same-Day Emergency Dental Care

If you experience any of the following dental emergencies, please call our office at (703) 890-3200, so we can make every effort to schedule your treatment as quickly as possible.

  • Pain or discomfort on your gum or tooth
  • Jaw pain and swelling
  • Dental abscess, or infection
  • Severe sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Broken, cracked, or loose teeth or fillings
  • Severe sensitivity to hot and cold

  • Dr. Kourosh is performing all aspects of dentistry for about 20 years including 4 years of experience working in a 24/7 dental emergency center. He provides his patients expert treatment to relieve their pain and restore their smile in just one trip.
Root Canal Therapy in Centreville, VA

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment becomes necessary when oral bacteria infiltrate the tooth's pulp, often due to untreated cavities, cracks, trauma, or deep fillings. With nearly two decades of experience, Dr. Kourosh excels in all aspects of endodontic treatments, including molar root canals, retreatment of previously treated teeth, Apicoectomy, and Hemisection technique.

    Our practice employs high-end devices like Element Connect and Endolift handpiece, ensuring precision in each endodontic therapy.
Cosmetic Dentistry in Centreville, VA

Cosmetic Dentistry


A veneer is a layer of material placed over a tooth. Veneers can improve the aesthetics of a smile and protect the tooth's surface from damage. State-of-the-art technologies are used by our team to fabricate the most improved veneers in an accurate and efficient way.

Cosmetic Orthodontic with Clear Aligner

Orthodontics are not just for kids. More and more adults are seeking cosmetic ortho treatment. If you have buck teeth or crooked teeth, we can adjust and align them with clear and transparent form of braces. We will provide you with a series of custom made, clear braces that pull teeth into a beautify straight smile and a correct bite over time.

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment used to change the color of natural tooth enamel with hydrogen peroxide. Our teeth are most prominent facial features, and a great smile can be worth a thousand words. A survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that 96% of adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to the opposite gender. White teeth not only makes us more confident, but it also enhance opportunities at work.

Tooth Colored Fillings and Dental Bonding

Composite bonding is not permanent and requires upkeep and repairs to maintain a naturally white smile. We are able to replace the discolored or stained resin with new bonding that matches your new tooth color.

Dr. Antonio Banderas

PHD Student
Deep Dental Cleaning in Centreville, VA

Dental Cleaning

the American Dental Association advises individuals to visit a dentist once every six months for a dental exam and cleaning. Dental exams will allow your general dentist to evaluate the health of your teeth and gums, while professional teeth cleanings will remove excess plaque and tartar.

Dr. Antonio Banderas

PHD Student

Crown and Bridge


A crown is a custom-made restoration that not only enhance the appearance of the tooth, but protect it from further wear and breakdown. A crown may be needed in following situations

  • To protect a tooth that has become weakened due to a decay, or cracks
  • To restore strength to any tooth that has undergone root canal therapy.
  • To restore a broken tooth
  • To cover and support a tooth that has a large filling if there isn’t much natural tooth structure left.
  • To restore length on worn teeth (for example from grinding).
  • To make a cosmetic modification such as closing spaces between teeth, or reshaping or rotating teeth.
  • To cover a dental implant.

  • Total Dental Arts is proud to offer you same-day crown with the help of our state-of-the-art technology and Artificial Intelligence.

    Same day crown means restoring your smile without taking extra time off from work or school.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a type of dental restoration to replace one or more missing teeth. This prosthesis works by bridging the gap between adjacent teeth. A typical bridge is made up pontics and dental crowns ( called retainers) that will anchor to the natural teeth, or dental implants on either side of the gap. They can be made from various materials like ceramic, metal, gold or a combination of these, depending on the patient’s needs and preferences.   Most dental insurance plans will cover part or all of the cost of a dental bridge.( Medicaid Insurance does not cover a dental bridge! ) To see if your specific insurer will cover the cost, contact them directly, or give us a call today.
Dental Implant Procedure in Centreville, VA


Dental implants are the most successful teeth replacement option currently available. In fact, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. They are a treatment alternatives to removable dentures or bridges, and are used for cosmetic or functional reasons. Implants can be fashioned for a single, missing tooth or for multiple teeth.

With over 12 years of expertise in implant dentistry, Dr. Kourosh is exceptionally skilled in placing implants. His training includes specialization with Straumann, a global leader in dental implants. Trust his extensive experience for top-notch implant care.

    Most dental insurance plans will cover part of the cost of a dental implants. To see if your specific insurer will cover the cost, contact them directly, or give us a call today.

Dental Bridge vs. Dental implants

When replacing one missing tooth, you can choose between a dental bridge and a dental implant-supported crown. While many patients are a candidate for both treatment options, you will need to consider several things before deciding which one is best for you.

Dental bridge requires the preparation of the teeth on either side of the gap. This will require a significant reduction of those teeth to accommodate the crowns. On the contrary, in dental implants cases, the adjacent natural teeth are not touched.

Another benefit of dental implant is the fact that implant will also prevent deterioration of the jaw bone. After extraction of any tooth, the bone will slowly suffer from bone loss. Implants have the ability to stimulate the jaw bone to stop the physiologic bone loss because implant acts like a tooth root.

Dental bridges can last a minimum of about 5 years. With an excellent oral hygiene routine, you can elongate the life of a dental bridge to about 15 years. Most people will have to replace their dental bridges at least once. Implants can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene and regular dental checkups.

With regard to time and cost, dental implants will require a larger upfront commitment of time and money. However, most patients report that the long-term satisfaction outweighs the cost and effort required. A dental implant treatment should be viewed as an investment into your overall health and well-being.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is often associated with dental implants, severe perio disease, and endo surgeries.

Studies have shown that patients who have experienced a tooth extraction subsequently lose 40-60% of the bone surrounding the extraction site during the following three years.

When the jawbone has receded or sustained significant damage, the implant cannot be supported on this unstable foundation and bone grafting is recommended for the ensuing restoration.

Dr. Kourosh possesses extensive expertise in implant dentistry and bone grafting, consistently achieving a high success rate in these delicate procedures.

While many dental insurance plans cover a portion of the cost, it's important to note that Medicaid insurance does not cover bone grafting. To determine coverage details with your specific insurer, feel free to contact them directly or reach out to our office for assistance.

Dr. Antonio Banderas

PHD Student

Dentures and Overdentures

Complete Dentures

Dentures are removable oral appliances that replace missing teeth. They rely on your gums and underlying bone for support. You may need to use denture adhesive to keep your appliance firmly in place. They consist of acrylic teeth and gum-colored base. People who wear dentures usually take them out at night to clean them and give their gums a rest.

Partial dentures

If you’re missing several or most of your teeth, partial dentures may be an option. Partial dentures are similar to full dentures, as they also rely on your gums and underlying bone for support. But partial dentures also have special clasps that hook around your remaining natural teeth, providing additional stability. There is different types of partial dentures such as: Flexible Valplast, acrylic, and cast-metal partials.


Overdentures are a modernized version of regular denturs that anchor and snap on two to four dental implants which makes them more stable and less prone to sliding when patient speak or eat when compared to traditional dentures. However Overdentures are still removable full-arch replacement.

Dr. Antonio Banderas

PHD Student

Lets Watch About Overdenture

Fixed Full Arch Restoration in Centreville, VA

All-on 4 Implants (Hybrid)

Fixed Full-Arch restoration

The All-on-4 concept is an innovative method that a one piece full-arch restoration will seat and be fixed on just four implants. It is the best option for replacing the teeth in patient with severe bone deterioration who previously have not been qualified for dental implants can now benefit from full-mouth restoration with this modern technique. One of the most significant benefits of the All-on-4 treatment is that the patient can typically have his/her restoration on the same day as the implant surgery.

    This treatment provides a lifelike, natural-looking teeth. Since It is a fixed restoration option patients can chew effortlessly and speak with complete confidence. Unlike a traditional removable denture, a patient would not need to remove it for cleaning, nor need adhesives to keep the denture stable.

    Dr. Kourosh has over 12 years of experience in implant dentistry. He is highly trained in placing implants from Straumann, the leading implant company in the world.

Gum Surgery

Gum graft surgery

It is a procedure performed on a site that is suffering gum recession. the gum graft( Alloderm or connective tissue graft) will be placed under the patient gum tissue, and fixed with suture. This graft tissue will increase the tissue thickness and resiliency to prevent further recession.

Crown Lengthening

In situations of extensive dental decay, particularly when the cavity is deep beneath the gum level and close to the bone, crown lengthening becomes essential to reveal more tooth structure for a future crown. This involves flap surgery to access the bone, followed by the removal and reshaping of the bone, concluding with suturing the site.

Dr. Antonio Banderas

PHD Student

Surgical Extractions

Dr. Kourosh excels in the painless extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, efficiently removing all four in a single dental appointment with skill and precision.

    Reasons To Remove Your Wisdom Teeth

  • Wisdom teeth almost always cause some problems for the patient throughout life, and often times these problems are severe, painful, and/or dangerous
  • Wisdom teeth get more caries and gum disease than other teeth due to inadequate hygiene which leads to the dental infection which will most likely affect the adjacent 2nd molar. Furthermore, periodonntal disease or gum infection will cause cardiovascular disease and possibly diabetes, etc
  • Impacted wisdom teeth typically will cause pain and infections due to food traps that form around them
  • Wisdom teeth are thought to continually push the molars forward causing crowding of the front teeth. Most orthodontists agree that the removal of wisdom teeth can avoid unwanted anterior crowding
  • Even without immediate discomfort, proactive removal is recommended to prevent potential issues later in life.

    Benefits of having the Wisdom Teeth Removed in younger patients

  • Young patients are healthier and they heal faster
  • The bone surrunding the wisfom teeth is more flexible on Young patients which makes the surgery less complicated. Elderly patients are much more prone to complications associated with wisdom tooth removal including jaw fracture
  • In elderly patients, the palatal shelf of alveolar bone thins to be replaced by a fat pad. This also makes wisdom tooth removal much more complicated and riskier during advanced age. Thus, our doctors usually recommend that people remove their wisdom teeth while they are still young and healthy

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